Happy Birthday Hubby! I am lucky to have married the best guy in the world for the past 13 years. And I am also lucky that I get to help him celebrate another birthday today, this 18th day of…
Happy Birthday First Born
Hard to believe that at 10:53pm tonight, my first born baby will officially turn 8 years old. It’s difficult to explain how it feels when one of your children turns another year older. Of course it is a wonderful and…
Happy Birthday Hubby
Today is my husband’s birthday. He gets better in every way with age, seriously, it’s so not fair. {Celebrating this morning with our kiddos that keep us both young at heart!!} One of my favorite quotes on birthdays… “Birthdays are…
Birthday Humor
Today is my birthday and the one thing I always love getting, are birthday cards. I think they are so fun and say a lot about the people that send them to you and their thought process when picking them…
My Pre – Birthday Celebrations
My birthday isn’t until the 30th, but I’m not afraid to celebrate it way in advance. These pics are a weekend combination of 1. a visit to my parents hometown plus birthday dinner (they also have birthdays in January), 2. museum…
Birthdays Are A Blessing
Today is my birthday, and I have finally come to realize that they are a blessing. Yes each year older comes with challenges (hello crows feet creeping up, thinning hair, stiff grey hairs I have to pull out every other…
Happy Birthday To My Best-est Friend
As I grow older and experience more birthdays, I sometimes find myself wondering what kind of people buy those cards that bash having “yet another birthday!” You know those cards that complain about the terrible stuff that comes along with…