My family recently took a road trip down to Florida for a beach getaway with friends. (Mini film above produced + edited by JaWaVi Films – my talented hubs!) This was our first beach trip of the summer. It was…
Butterflies, Beaches, and Gardens, Oh My!
A week ago I took the kids to visit my parents and we decided to take them to Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. This is a spot I used to vacation to with them when I was a child…
Photos From Washington D.C. Part 2
Here is part 2 of 2 of photos from our travels to Washington D.C.. (Part 1 right here if you missed it!) I already love looking back at these pics and reminiscing even though it was just a couple of…
Vacation Snapshots : Part 2 San Francisco
Here are the remaining photos from our family trip out to the west coast while in San Francisco through the July 4th weekend. I’m already missing this beautiful area. Sit back and relax, there are a bunch of these!! …
Film Preview Of Our Family Vacation
Here’s a very short film preview of our family vacation to LA & San Francisco last week that my hubby edited and pulled together in 30 minutes! It’s hilariously creative and my kids want to watch it over, and over,…
Vacation Snapshots : Part 1 Los Angeles
I’m not gonna lie, traveling with three children across the country from Georgia to California had me on edge before we even stepped foot into the Atlanta airport! I worried about anything and everything that I thought could possibly go wrong. From…
Smokey Mountain Memories
We spent this past weekend in the Tennessee mountains with my in-laws and my husband’s sisters family. With 5 children under the age of 7, in a 3 story house, with 3 flights of stairs, we tried to stay OUT…
Road Tripping
I need a vacation from my vacation. Traveling with three little ones to the mountains is a lot of work. A lot. But we made a lot of memories in the meantime, and that makes it all worthwhile. {Road trips…