Airbrushed foundation skin is always something I strive for…without the bulky airbrush machine and without multiple steps (even though I’m one of those willing to take multiple steps if I need to!). I was excited to receive this Liquid Veil…
The Basics Of Base
Back in the mid 1500’s Queen Elizabeth I was known to have painted her face with a mixture of white lead (poisonous mind you), egg, powdered eggshells, poppy seed, and vinegar a couple inches thick to cover up a case of…
The Bare Essentials
You gotta prep the canvas before you can apply the paint I always say. These are the products I am currently using to prep my skin to give it that even flawless finish before I apply the color – the…
L’Oreal True Match Roller Foundation…Roll Away Waste
Okay, so if you’re an avid JennySue Makeup reader or a friend of mine, you probably know how much I heart the L’Oreal True Match liquid foundation line. It’s typically what I use on all my clients for most occasions,…
Old School Beauty Products Still Rock!
I love it when beauty products withstand the test of time and become classics. Cosmetic companies are forever changing up their products and discontinuing items. This can get a bit frustrating to us makeup junkies. You know how the story…
How Old Are The Contents In YOUR Makeup Bag??
Okay, so I hate to admit this, (seeing as though I AM a makeup artist and should know better!) but I have some lipsticks in my lipstick drawer that probably date back to my freshman year of college….WHAT?? Now this…
A Socialite look on a Walmart Budget
I posted this blog 3 days ago on my Mommies and Makeup blog. Please enjoy again as I get all of my blogs caught up to my new and improved JennySue Makeup site. Also attached are comments and responses, please…
The “Natural Look” Ain’t Always So Natural
I can’t tell you how many times a client has told me, “I just want a natural look.” Well, that’s fine and dandy, but that “natural” look you so want to achieve in order to resemble a perfect Jennifer Garner…