Who wants to say “buh bye” to dull WINTER makeup, and “HELLO!” to cheerful SPRING makeup?!! *raises hand realllllyyy high in the air!! * Let’s work on escaping a little from the past year, and welcome in a brand new…
Why I’m Diving (Back!) Into Beauty YouTube Video Content For The Mature Woman
Beauty YouTube videos are a wildly popular topic when it comes to learning about makeup and how to do makeup. You can watch and learn anything from : specific reviews on products you are curious about, the do’s the don’ts…
Two Underrated Eye Makeup Techniques
Picture this. Your morning eye makeup routine consists of one neutral shadow color that you quickly swipe on from lash line to crease and then you apply some mascara. Done, that’s it. Nothing special. Sound like you? Do you wish…
Best Way To Apply Your Eyeliner
So I had a personal request (Mrs. Anisa!) for an eyeliner tutorial 101. There are tons of different ways and techniques to apply ones eyeliner, but I figured I would give you just the barebones basics for the best way…