This is very difficult for me to do…RELAX. As a mom, I think it’s just innate in me to feel like I should ALWAYS be doing something more. Even on a holiday like today. I struggle with…
Time Flies
“The only reason for time is so everything doesn’t happen at once,” Einstein. Thank goodness for time then, because I wouldn’t be able to handle it if all of this growing up my kids are doing happened at one time……
Wonder Woman :: Real Inspiration Or Really Unrealistic
As I sit here on a typical Friday, looking through my email inbox of too many starred emails that have required a response a week ago (in addition to all of my other “duties”) I’m feeling a little, okay, A…
Sometimes Life Gets Too Busy For Eyeliner
Sometimes, not very often, but sometimes my life gets too busy for me to even apply eyeliner. This might seem like an extra, unnecessary, or insignificant thing for some in their daily makeup routine, but for me, it’s a BIG…