My box of *Motives Cosmetics couldn’t have come at a better time, as I have been feeling a wee bit bored with my current products. Gasp!! This is kind of a big deal since I own a gazillion products in…
JennySue Makeup Product Review :: Tarte Embrightenmint Teeth Whitener & Tarte t5 Super Fruit Lipgloss
I am a big fan of white teeth. I am slightly obsessed with keeping mine white since I’m also a big fan of coffee and diet soft drinks, which equal, not so white teeth! I use Crest White strips every…
I Love New York, But There’s No Place Like Home
Hey ya’ll. Please Stand By for some more pictures from our last day in NYC. It was a looooong day yesterday leaving the bustling city of New York and sitting for hours in the Newark airport…with two small children under…