Despite what you personally think of her and her very public family, Kim Kardashian KNOWS how to rock impeccable makeup every.single.time. She’s never without her signature contoured cheekbones, fringy false lashes, honey colored skin, and those pouty lips!! Her look seems untouchable right? Wrong! Good news is, after that over the top wedding she pulled off to Kanye West, I found out that you and I can actually afford the EXACT product she wore on her lips here…
This is a shot of Kim from her infamous photo booth at her wedding reception wearing the now famous liquid lipstick. Then there’s me, not at her wedding but trying to do the same face pose! Obviously, I still haven’t perfected the fish face! Ok I know, I know, this black and white doesn’t help at all in showing you that we have the same shade of lip color on but I couldn’t resist trying to recreate it. Keep reading to see my colored version and the exact drugstore lip product her makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic used on her…

It’s true, Kim K wore a lip product under 10 bucks on her wedding day! And holy moly, if this isn’t the prettiest glossy nude lip shade EVER. It’s got a slight tacky feel but that gives way to the long wear, it’s not too opaque but not too sheer, and has a very high shine. And the slightly bent applicator gets in there so you can get every drop of product and it applies really easily. I have worn this shade alone and still love it, but thought that to truly nail Kim’s look (she must have more natural pigment in her lips to start with than I do) that I needed to add the liner to get the look.
Here is the complete breakdown from Daily Mail of every single makeup product Mario used on her for the big day plus him admitting here that he didn’t even do a trial run with Kim! The list has a great mix of high end and drugstore products, so this validates why I love being a freelance artist so much and not just using one brand for an entire face.
See, Mrs. West, IS just like the rest of us by using drugstore products! Ha Ha!! This is refreshing because we all know she could afford to have her MUA use the most expensive makeup brands she wants but she trusted her artist to use what he knew would look best. I think L’Oreal probably owes Mario Dedivanovic a few freebies for promoting this awesome lip product…
Have you tried this liquid lipstick? What did you think of Kim’s wedding day look?