Well, this morning I made an economically sound choice to make my own tinted moisturizer rather than run out to the mall and buy some $$ stuff.
I always try to accomplish a very natural and even looking skin tone, like the stunning Kate Bosworth, but without all the heavy looking foundation. She looks like she has the most perfect skin and the makeup doesn’t take front and center. (A little personal connection factoid about Miss Bosworth at the end of this post, so keep reading!) So my homemade tinted moisturizer idea was super easy and actually worked like a charm! Here’s how I did it:

- Next, I mixed them together in my hand
- My combination was two parts moisturizer plus one part foundation (think of it like mixing a drink;-))
- I swirled them both together in the palm of my hand with my finger and effortlessly applied all over my face
- The look was completely easy and quick without having to make the foundation look perfect because the consistency was very sheer
- JUST what I was wanting and a great time saver for you busy Mommies out there!
This idea works great for:
* makeup minimalists
* ways to extend the life of your “fave” foundation by cutting it with a little moisturizer
* adding SPF to your SPF free foundation by combining a facial moisturizer that contains sunblock.
So don’t be afraid to experiment with the products you already own and mix them up – you just might come up with a super new formula!
***Here’s my personal connection with Kate B! My hubby Scott was actually IN a little movie, called “Remember The Titans” filmed 10 years ago with Miss Bosworth. She played the girlfriend to the quarterback in this inspiring movie about a high school football team – and my husband played a handsome extra! Check out Scott in this frame from the movie below sandwiched in between Denzel Washington (woah!) and Wood Harris. Yes, that’s really him! I’m so proud of him and glad he stuck with his brunette girlfriend (me at the time!) and didn’t take off with blonde starlet Kate!**