My husband and I have been wanting to put our 3 year old – Jack (pic above) on an airplane and so we figured why not take him to the exciting city of NYC during this wonderful time of year for his first time. We slightly forgot that in the midst of taking Jack on a plane, we would have to include his almost 2 year old brother Walker, who is a different story when it comes to traveling…hence the second picture.
This is what I had to resort to in order to make it through the flight with my youngest. A screwdriver (or two, hey it was first class and it was free – so why not!), at 10am was the only way I could keep my composure while constantly entertaining him.

Stay turned for more NYC fun with JennySue Makeup. Hopefully I will be able to do a little more shopping than today, which consisted only of NYC tees for the boys and some Duane Reade staples.