Despite what you personally think of her and her very public family, Kim Kardashian KNOWS how to rock impeccable makeup every.single.time. She’s never without her signature contoured cheekbones, fringy false lashes, honey colored skin, and those pouty lips!! Her look…
10 Clever Makeup Tricks To Try Now
There are A LOT of tricks I use and mention in my makeup related blog posts. Some you might catch, some you might not. So I’ve decided to compile the the ones that I LOVE, all in one spot. I…
Kopying Kardashian
Copying is the finest form of flattery right?? Well that might be up for debate, but when it comes to copying the makeup styles of the Kardashian ladies, I’m all about it. No matter what you feel about them personally,…
Links Of The Week
{One of my fave & fashionable celebrity moms, Rachel Zoe! via} It’s so maj and so bananas, Rachel is finally coming back to TV next week on Bravo! Yippeee!! I absolutely love anything having to do with fashion + celebrities. So this…
My 2011 Spring Fashion And Makeup Basics
Now that our weather down here in Georgia is sticking around the 70 degree mark, I’m getting my spring fashion, accessory, & makeup basics in order. Here are some old spring favorites and some new purchases I’ve made for one…
Christmas Cards Make Me Happy
JennySue’s Christmas card display! Since Christmas is my most FAVORITE time of year (totally beats out my birthday-hands down), it also comes with favorite traditions. And my favorite tradition since I’ve owned a home with my husband, has been to…
JennySue Makeup Links :: Holiday Eyeshadow Ideas
So I definitely check out other blogs and websites when I get a spare moment to breathe (and I’m not working on my own blog) because I feel you can always learn something new from others. Here are just a…
How I Get Kim Kardashian Hair
I’m pretty much fascinated with Kim Kardashian’s life. If you read my blog religiously then you already realize that I am a reality show junky. Who isn’t?? Watching trash TV is how I get away from everyday life for an…
It’s All Smoke And Mirrors
I can’t believe I’m really going to do this…but I am going to post a reeaalll BEFORE (makeup) picture and an AFTER. Very rarely do I ever walk out of the house without atleast mascara, lip gloss, and my eyebrows…
Like Mother Like Daughter
I love the month of February. Why?? Because it’s the month devoted to LOVE and VALENTINE’S DAY! And it means we’re getting that much closer to springtime, which I am desperately ready for. In terms of love, there’s nothing like…
Work a Nude Lip Like Kim Kardashian
Nude lips are an easy breezy look to carry off for the makeup maven or the makeup minimalist for Spring 2009. You can wear a nude lip if you are a brunette like Kim Kardashian (known for her smokey eye…